According to Times of India's Report, following assurances of tighter security for trains passing through Maoist affected areas in states like Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal, Indian Railways Friday lifted the ban on night travel in two out of three sections.
Sources said the two sections where the night ban on movement of trains, imposed May 2010, has been lifted are Kharagpur-Adra and Chakradharpur-Rauurkela. However, the ban continues in the Kaharagpur-Tata section and is likely to be lifted soon, they said.
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These sections are part of the Jungalmahal area falling under the South Eastern Railway zone.
Railways sources said continuation of such a ban for this duration is unusual for the national transporter but was imposed after derailment of the Gyaneshwari Express in West Midnapore district in West Bengal May 2010 in which 71 persons were killed and around 200 injured. It was alleged the accident resulted from an act of sabotage.
The railways had recently reviewed the security of trains in the Maoist-affected areas with police heads of these states and senior officials of the home ministry.
It was agreed in the meeting that the states would pitch in with improved security using CCTV cameras, lighting up relevant areas and increasing police patrols.
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source: Times of India
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