Kapamilya actor Derek Ramsay admitted in various interviews that he has a standing offer from the Kapatid network TV5, expressing disappointments to his mother network, ABS-CBN. His contract with the Kapamilya network will expire this February. The hunk actor said in an interview with Manila Standard Today that the only thing that is stopping him from signing up with the Manny V. Pangilinan media outfit is the promise of ABS-CBN big bosses to talk with his parents, whom he gives his utmost respect. But he believes that even after his parents talked to the big guns of the Kapamilya network, their decision would be the same. And that is to give them the blessings to go and seek a place where he can be happier.
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“I am giving them this last chance,” Derek said with a tinge of disappointment. “I had been very cooperative with them since day one, yet I didn’t feel the network needed me that bad,” said the actor.
Rumors have it that he is slated to host the Pinoy version of ‘Temptation Island: Dare to Win’, which will soon air on TV5.
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