India's top film stars and heartthrobs will be at The Venetian® Macao on January 21st, 2012 to celebrate the world's biggest viewers’ choice award: the Zee Cine Awards. Honouring the finest performances in the Indian film industry, the awards will be hosted by none other than the “King of Bollywood” Shah Rukh Khan and the Queen of the Indian screen, former Miss World Priyanka Chopra. They will be joined by sensational stars such as Katrina Kaif, Shahid Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor and many more.
Book your tickets now to enjoy a night of glitz and glamour with the top celebrities from Bollywood!
Image Credit : Zee Cine Awards |
Join our Zee Cine Awards Facebook Competition to win 2 VIP tickets to the awards and a nights stay at The Venetian. Competition runs from Monday December 19th to Sunday January 15th. Join and Win!!
source: Zee Cine Awards
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